compliance recordkeeping

3 Tips for Designing the Best Recordkeeping Program for Your Operations

Whether it is the weight of waste being shipped out every month or the speciated air emissions from your wastewater treatment facility, recordkeeping is the cornerstone to most compliance programs. As both a tool for program managers onsite and a common violation found by inspectors, recordkeeping produces paperwork we all work with, yet rarely benefit […]

Moving From Reactive to Proactive Environmental Risk Management in Today’s Healthcare Facilities

Hospital and hospital system departmental and administration leaders often struggle with meeting regulatory compliance requirements related to RCRA and myriad other federal and state environmental regulations such as the Clean Air Act, Emergency Preparedness and Community Right to Know Act and others. When corrective actions are required, leaders may be reactive in addressing regulatory citations and […]

NPDES Permitting for New Centralized Waste Treatment Facilities in Texas

Braun Intertec has recently been assisting wastewater treatment facilities with permitting to become Centralized Waste Treatment (CWT) facilities. A CWT wastewater discharge permit authorizes facilities under the Clean Water Act (CWA) to accept certain wastes from third-party off-site facilities for treatment and discharge. We wanted to provide more information on what exactly a CWT is, and how it differs from other widely used waste disposal facilities. The complexity […]