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Houston Office Open House & Technical Presentations

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Please join us for a fun evening of appetizers and beverages at our new office location in Houston. We will be conducting tours of our new state-of-the-art materials laboratory during the open house.

In addition, our Laboratory Director, Alf Gardiner, will be providing educational presentations on concrete specifications and non-destructive testing. Attendees will receive CEUs for their participation. See below for more information about these sessions and to RSVP to the open house.


Concrete Specifications – Not Just Strength (4:00 to 4:30 p.m.): Concrete specification often looks at strength as the lone indicator of good concrete. This leaves out many of the requirements for other properties which are often implied, but if not spelled out in the specification, are not enforceable. Learn how you really want your concrete to perform and how to specify what you want.

Non-destructive Testing (5:00 to 5:30 p.m.): The use of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques has become more and more popular, but what are they? How can they help? What are their limitations? In this presentation, we will review several projects where techniques were successful in keeping a project on track. Additionally, we will explore several projects where NDT was not the answer. As the consultant of choice, we will help you understand when it can solve a problem and when it cannot.


Complete the form below to RSVP to our open house. We hope to see you there!

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