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Leadership Spotlight with Dani Belhateche: Technical Practice Director for Permitting & Compliance

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By Braun Intertec | October 14, 2022

We spoke with Dannelle “Dani” Belhateche about her new role as Technical Practice Director for the Permitting and Compliance Division. Read more to learn about Dani’s professional background, her time at Braun Intertec, and what she has learned in her 30+ years working in environmental compliance.

How did you get started in the environmental field? What has been the most surprising thing you have experienced or witnessed in that time?

I first started my career in the environmental field at an early age in the 1970’s. During this time there was the creation of the new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The most surprising change I have witnessed over my career has been the incredible improvements accomplished in air and water quality in the United States.

What has been your most interesting project?

The most interesting project I worked on was conducting the commercial demilitarization of an ammunition depot. This commercial demilitarization was due to an agreement between the United States and Russia to reduce their weapons arsenals. During this time, the United States and Russia had to destroy the same number of weapons. The commercial demilitarization of the ammunition depot resulted in some interesting air emissions! However, my most exciting project was working on vulnerability assessments for the City of Houston water supply system after 9/11.

What aspect of your job do you get the most satisfaction from?

As part of my job, I get the privilege of mentoring and training other young environmental professionals. I enjoy sharing my professional experience so that it can help others grow. This is the most satisfying part of my job.

What is your approach to client problem-solving?

My approach to client problem-solving is reverse thinking. I first try to put myself in the client’s situation. From there I find a solution that is sized right for their needs. The client may need a lot, or just a little – each client and situation is different. The point is to find creative solutions to their environmental challenges, so my clients can go on and be successful and focus on their businesses.

What is the best career lesson you have learned so far?

The hardest thing about being a consultant is having to say goodbye to a long-term client with whom you have had a great relationship with. My job is to solve my clients’ environmental issues so that they do not need to work with me anymore. While it is a great thing my clients do not need me anymore, I miss working with them.

What would you be doing (as a career) if you did not work in this field?

If I were not in environmental consulting, I would probably be a nurse. I think I would enjoy helping and healing others.

What qualities make an ideal team member?

Two qualities I believe make an ideal team member are a willingness to think outside-the-box and respect for others.

What have you enjoyed the most working at Braun Intertec?

The people! My fellow employee-owners are warm, welcoming, and personable. My coworkers make a hard job easier.

What is unique about working at Braun Intertec?

The people make Braun Intertec unique. Braun Intertec leadership, on all levels, is committed to the quality and success of the company and all its employees.

Are there any leaders outside of the organization that you take inspiration from?

My leaders outside of Braun Intertec are spiritual. My inspiration comes from being a part of something bigger than myself.

What are your passions and interests outside of work?

Outside of work, I love to be outdoors. Whether that is walking, reading, listening to music, or gardening.

Do you have a go-to quote or personal mantra?

One quote I always turn to when a challenge looks large is “Just eat the elephant one bite a time.” Eventually, bite by bite, you will get to the endpoint.

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